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Teacher's College Writing

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Unit:1 Launching Writing Workshop

Bend 1: We are all Writers

Bend 2: Writing Teaching Books

Bend 3: Writing Stories 

Bend 4: Preparing for Publication

Looking Closely: Write like a Scientist 

Bend 1: Observe many Fall objects you collected from nature. Write and draw your observations. 

Bend 2: Add MORE labels to your pictures. Put 'like' pages together

Bend 3: Make a Your Own Pattern Book ( Ex.: I see a brown leaf. I see a yellow leaf.) 

Unit 2: Writing for Readers 

Bend 1: Writing Stories that People can Really Read

Bend 2: Tools Give Writers Extra Power 

Bend 3: Partnering for Revision: Making Stories More Fun to Read

Bend 4: Preparing for Publication 

Unit 3: How-To Books: Writing to Teach Others

Bend 1: Writing How-To Books, Step by Step

Bend 2: Using Mentor Texts for Inspiration: Revising Old How-To Books and Writing New Ones

Bend 3: Keeping Readers in Mind

Bend 4: Giving How-To Books as Gifts 

Unit 4: Persuasive Writing

Unit 5: f/Then Unit: All About Books

Good Writing Habits (These are habits and routines that are practiced and modeled daily in writers workshop) 

***Please remind your children that they are "writers".

***Please remind your children that good writers put their ideas on paper. 

***Please remind your children that good writers writer about what they know. 
***Please remind your children that good writers use tools to write (pen, crayons, markers, etc.)

***Please remind your children that good writers revise. This can be in the form of drawing another picture, adding color, adding labels or writing sentences that tell about their writing. 

***Please remind your children that good writers reread their work to make sure if makes sense. 

***Please remind your children that good writers ask questions to add more detail. 

Describing Words
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