Passport to Social Studies
Unit 1: My School and School Community
Essential Question: What does it mean to be a member of a school community?
Vocabulary (These are words that you can discuss and practice with your children during our unit of study)
school, responsible, principal, classroom, role, secretary, crossing guard, loyalty, custodian, responsibility, unique, motto, cafeteria worker, rule, teacher, job community, respect, citizen, school mission statement
Unit 2: Unique and America
Bend 1: How are we unique? In this bend we will focus on how we are different and the same. We will discuss family traditions, holidays, and celebrations.
Vocabulary: holiday, diversity, traditional, tradition, unique, culture, language, celebrate, celebrations, timeline,
Bend 2: All about America
In this bend, we will focus on some symbols of America and some government officials.
Vocabulary: symbol, vote, ballot, election day, capitol, Liberty Bell, Statue of Liberty, bald eagle, flag, American flag, pledge, mayor, governor, vice president, president, Washington D.C., immigrants, Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson,
Unit 3: Community and NYC Geography
Bend 1: All Around the Community, We will discuss community helpers, places in the community, the tools the workers use. We will also discuss maps, cardinal directions and signs.
Bend 2: NYC Geography and the 5 boroughs, NYC landmarks, transportation.
Unit 4: Families, Responsibility, Needs and Wants